The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) is dedicated to creating a better pathologist. It accomplishes this through its mission to provide the ultimate in continuing medical education and translational research to improve practices and patient outcomes globally. While global health through education is a strategic initiative, the diverse educational activities provided by USCAP ensure personalized education that will influence personalized medicine. Modern educational delivery methods using digital assets prepare pathologists for next generation learning and make possible outreach to colleagues working in low-resource countries. As a member organization, USCAP is dedicated to providing solutions and creating members for life, including Ph.D. colleagues.
USCAP 110th Virtual Annual Meeting
ACD RNAscope RNA ISH Applications in Anatomic Pathology – Detection of SARS-CoV-2, Albumin, HPV and Other Targets
Dr. Vikram Deshpande, Pathologist Massachusetts General Hospital & Robert Monroe, ACD/BT CMO